4 Things We're Excited to do in 2023

A new year brings new beginnings. Fresh trends arise, client projects kick-off and new stories spark up, ready to be shared. As storytellers, we’re intentional by trade. Everything we do has thought behind it, from our creative careers to our passions outside of work. That’s why this time of year holds a special place in our hearts — an opportunity to look inward and forward.  

To begin 2023, we asked Cutliners to share their intentions. From big dreams to simple pleasures, here’s what they said. 

Hilly hiking trail

Adopt new mindsets

“My intention for this year is all about connection! I want to be intentional about strengthening and deepening connections with friends, neighbors, my husband, and others.” —Esther

“Last year, I worked on having an abundance mentality and I want to continue practicing that this year. My word for 2023 is consistency — something I want to bring to work, healthy habits, personal relationships, and other parts of my life. I'm also resolving to eat more protein and prioritize getting good sleep!” —Krista

Grow our skills and passions

“I'm focused on talking less and listening more, especially at work! I'm also committed to learning Spanish and aim to have a stronger foundation by the end of the year. Otherwise, I’m always focused on general wellness and trying to be a better person, friend, and teammate all year round!” —Shannon

“I'm going to sign up for drawing and/or painting classes to sharpen my art skills. I’d love to kick off my own Etsy shop or Instagram business by the end of this year or next year.” —Maria

Sketch of cat and butterfly
Sketch of flowers and bee

“In 2023, I am resolved to embrace the art of dead ends. The creative process doesn’t always lead you somewhere productive, which can feel disheartening after you’ve poured your heart into a piece of writing. Moving forward, I want to take pride in strengthening my creative muscle, even if it means starting over.” —Jordan

Expand our horizons

“My New Year's resolution is to go outside my comfort zone. Life is too short to keep wondering “what if”, so I’m doing things I've always wanted to but have been too scared to try – like dying my hair red!” —Catherine

“Joining new clubs and communities is one of my goals. I’d love to shift my mindset away from overthinking to help me get out of my comfort zone and tackle the things I’m afraid of. As a New Orleans psychic told me: ‘Just ride the wave.’ That’s my 2023 mantra.” —Michelle 

Backpacker in red rock canyon

Enjoy the simple things

“I want to be more intentional with my time, space, and words. A few examples: read/write before bed (instead of staring at a screen), organize my apartment (once I move in!) and get rid of anything that doesn’t serve me. I also want to give more compliments!” —Courtney

“2023 feels like the year of intentional living. I'm going to keep working on sleep and sunshine — simple things, but important for feeling good, thinking clearly, and finding more energy.” —Megan


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