How My Nighttime Routine Sets Me Up for Success

By: Maria

Having a nighttime routine that helps me get the right amount of rest goes a long way in being productive and feeling energized during the day. While everyone has different lifestyles and needs for feeling their best, I’m sharing five things I do and why they work for me. Maybe they’ll work for you, too!

Consider digestion

I feel my best when I stop eating by 6 pm and drinking water by 9 pm. I came to this realization after listening to my mom’s advice, considering family traditions, and observing my own experiences. In the past, I’ve woken up groggy with stomachaches after eating heavy and unhealthy meals late at night. Digestion plays an important role in rest, and science shows that it’s important to let your body digest before laying down to sleep.

A yogi in child's pose


Stretching is important and should be done every single day! Harvard Health explains how stretching helps relax your muscles, which then lets your body release mental stress—and I totally agree! I’ve found it helps control any tension I’ve built in my body over the course of the day and relieves me of any built-up stress. Some previous unhealthy habits, such as always doing homework from the comfort of my own bed instead of using a desk and chair, caused me to develop terrible posture over the years and these TikTok stretches are a huge help!

Power down

Another step in my routine that takes a lot of willpower and discipline is shutting down all electronics about two hours before going to sleep. Using my Alexa device, I get a reminder at 10 pm every day to do this. It’s important to turn off your TV even if you’re mid-episode, lock your phone mid-TikTok video, and close your laptop. This will give your brain a break, help you rest your eyes, and in turn, get good quality sleep.

Try a soothing skincare routine

Once you’ve powered down your devices to disconnect, it’s time to help your face relax and recover as well! As skin cells mainly reproduce at night, dermatologist Debra Jaliman M.D. explains that this is the best time for your face to absorb any topical treatments. I usually start by cleansing my face. Then I add three to five products on my face by delicately massaging in an upward direction to lift my skin. Finally, I end my routine with my favorite step, the Gua Sha method! By doing this, in the morning my face feels clean, refreshed, and ready to take on the day.

Wind down

Last but certainly not least, I never skip meditating and/or journaling. This is a simple step I added to my routine that has truly changed my life. Thanks to TikTok, I became obsessed with manifesting my desires and bringing them to life (I landed my job at Cutline this way!). Journaling helps me acknowledge my achievements of the day, and address what I still have to learn and work on for the next day. Mediating has been key for releasing stressful thoughts so I can go to sleep with a clear mind.

Though it’s important for me to consistently follow my routine as often as I can, I’ve also learned that life can throw some unpredictable curveballs. It’s okay to miss a day, and it’s important not to scold yourself for it. Instead, recognize when you feel inclined to skip, and put time into understanding why (perhaps there is an underlying stress factor in your life that you need to address). You’ll be back on track before your know it.

How does your routine empower you every day? Share your tips, tricks, and learnings with us on Twitter @Cutline!


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