The Best Tips and Tricks I Learned From TikTok Last Year

Love TikTok? We’re with you! Lily says that she’s been “hooked” since downloading the app last year. Read on to learn about where her love for short videos began and to see which TikToks she laughed at and learned from in 2020.

As a 25-year-old, I fondly remember the days of Vine. Launched in 2012, it was a video platform where people could record six-second, looping videos. Vine reached over 200 million active users and is known for kickstarting the careers of YouTuber David Dobrik, illusionist Zach King and actress, Liza Koshy.

Unfortunately, Vine ‘died’ in 2016 when Twitter decided to discontinue the app. And wow, I was so upset when I heard the news! I watched Vines every day for a source of laughter. My friends and I used it to make silly videos that cataloged our college experience. I never thought I’d find an app like that again. 

Thankfully, I was wrong. Fast forward to 2020 when we found ourselves sheltering in place with some extra time on our hands. Once I downloaded TikTok, I was hooked. There is truly something for everyone on this app. I’ve laughed, cried, oohed, and aahed at so many TikToks this year. And I’ve also learned a ton! Here are my top six favorite tips, tricks, and hacks:

1. How to actually wash your fresh produce from the grocery store

This video speaks for itself. Wash your veggies! And then check out this video on how to properly store them to keep them fresh.

2. How to draw an elephant

Okay, this is not really a hack. But if you’re anything like me and have zero drawing abilities, this easy tutorial will help you draw cute little elephants! 

3. How to take care of your plants

Garden Marcus is a plant expert and has tons of videos on how to care for your plant babies. 

4. The correct order to apply skincare

Before TikTok, I was pretty clueless when it came to skincare. Ben Neily has so many helpful tips! 

5. How to clean your garbage disposal

Again, speaks for itself. But I can confirm this will clean your garbage disposal and get rid of any unwanted smell! 

Truthfully, I could do an entire series on my favorite TikTok videos. Think there might not be anything for you on the app? I highly recommend checking it out. You might surprised!


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